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Sustainability and Real Estate

According to scientists, 2023 was the hottest year on record for at least 100,000 years. It was also the year sustainability went mainstream. Sustainability is defined as the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Even if you are living under a rock, you have now likely experienced the effects of climate change. Unheard of weather events now happen regularly. The frequency of storms in the US with damages in excess of $1 billion dollars has gone from every 82 days in the 1980s to every 18 days on average between 2018 and 2022. Real estate is often compromised in big storms and insurance premiums are beginning to reflect that. Insurers know that climate change is real and happening now. Scientists have predicted these events for years and society is finally starting to react. Climate change is a major problem and sustainability is the solution. By choosing a sustainable path we will be able to lessen the effects of climate change and hopefully one day reverse the process to heal our blue planet.

Real estate plays a large role in climate change and is responsible for approximately 38 percent of global carbon emissions. Everyone needs real estate so it’s a major focus of sustainability. Together let’s explore the journey toward more sustainable real estate. It is certain to be the greatest economic opportunity in our lifetimes. Embrace it.

Fight climate change in your own backyard: Unlawning

The classic American lawn was originally a security measure of European aristocrats to spot approaching armies. Unfortunately, the negative environmental impact of lawns is significant… READ MORE

Tips for sustainable real estate

Here’s a list of some common upgrades to help reduce energy consumption,
lower utility bills, and decrease your home’s environmental impact…. READ MORE
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